Missed something the doctor said? Recording your appointments gives you a chance to go back

It’s often hard to comprehend complicated medical information from your doctor – particularly if you’ve just received bad news. From shutterstock.comYou’re in a consultation with your doctor and you’ve just been told you have cancer. You’re in shock, and find it difficult to take in anything else the doctor says during the remainder of the appointment. Research shows receiving bad news can impact people’s ability to understand and absorb information. Specifically, it affects the processing of information and memory formation. People who are unwell and managing difficult health situations will often find it hard to remember important and complex medical information. This might include their diagnosis, prognosis, treatment plans, appointments, and when to take their medication. Read more: How much time have I got,

From http://theconversation.com/missed-something-the-doctor-said-recording-your-appointments-gives-you-a-chance-to-go-back-112302


From https://heidifrost.blogspot.com/2019/03/missed-something-doctor-said-recording.html


From https://kathrynhenson0.blogspot.com/2019/03/missed-something-doctor-said-recording.html


From https://kathleenwood0.blogspot.com/2019/03/missed-something-doctor-said-recording.html